SplashPhoto > BlackBerry > Download | Purchase | Release Notes | User Guide | FAQ

Have lots of digital photos
but need a way to manage and show your pictures easily and
quickly? Use your BlackBerry to present a digital photo
slideshow with SplashPhoto. Up to 80% faster than most
built-in photo applications – it’s no wonder SplashPhoto
is the best-selling digital photo software for smartphones!
Load your favorite photos from your PC.
Images can be displayed by thumbnail, individually or in a
slideshow. Includes
free Windows companion software.

The included desktop software lets you easily edit
(crop, zoom, rotate, contrast, brightness)
and organize images and synchronize the desktop catalog with your handheld.
Additional features include:
- Best-selling photo software for PDAs and Smartphones
- Show images individually or in a slide show with transitions
- Up to 80% faster than built-in photo software on most devices
- Send images to other mobile devices via email
- Pan and zoom on your BlackBerry
- 2006 Handango: “5 Stars”
- 2006 PalmGear.com: “5 Stars”
- 2006 Tucows.com: “5 Cows”
- 2006 Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine: Nominee "Best Software Awards"
- 2004 Handango Champion Awards: Winner "Best Lifestyle Application"
- 2004 PalmGear.com Voter's Choice: "Best Image/Photo Software"
- "The one powerful feature that originally swayed me to SplashPhoto and that sets it apart from
many other viewers is the included desktop interface that provides you with the ability to quickly
format photos for your PDA." - Geek.com review
- "If you have any interest in digital photography at all, as either a personal pastime or a
business tool then SplashData on your Pocket PC is recommended for fun, work or both. " -
Michael Harrison, BargainPDA.com
- "I've been using SplashPhoto since 2002 on both Palm and PPC devices, and it's always been one of
my favorite applications. It's faster and more intuitive than other photo apps." – Mike
Nemens from Gualala, CA
Supported Devices:
BlackBerry 7100g,
BlackBerry 7100i,
BlackBerry 7100r,
BlackBerry 7100t,
BlackBerry 7100v,
BlackBerry 7100x,
BlackBerry 7105t,
BlackBerry 7130c,
BlackBerry 7130e,
BlackBerry 7130g,
BlackBerry 7130v,
BlackBerry 7210,
BlackBerry 7230,
BlackBerry 7250,
BlackBerry 7270,
BlackBerry 7280,
BlackBerry 7290,
BlackBerry 7510,
BlackBerry 7520,
BlackBerry 8700c,
BlackBerry 8700f,
BlackBerry 8700g,
BlackBerry 8700r,
BlackBerry 8700v,
BlackBerry 8707v, BlackBerry Pearl
Other Editions Available: